Advanced Skills New Techs Need for IT Contracting | Field Nation Tips | WorkMarket Tips

How do I get started as an IT Contract Tech? In this video I cover some advanced skillsets you need to get started as a new tech with Field Nation alternative clients, and on platforms like Field Nation and Work Market. If you’re new to the industry, this video explains some Level 3 skills of cabling, audio video, and fiber you need and the types of jobs you can get to earn money as a freelance I.T. Contract Technician.

Platforms like Field Nation, Work Market, and even direct clients have service calls available to help you build your skill sets so you can become a tech professional.

Guerilla tactics to get your first jobs:
Real example service calls:

Understanding the Field Nation System:

Understanding the WorkMarket System:

Understanding the CloudWork Pro System:

I offer one-on-one coaching and have a downloadable skillset and equipment list on my website to help you maximize your Field Nation and Work Market profiles:

I have been in the freelance IT tech industry since 2000, on Field Nation since 2010, and on Work Market since 2011. Field Tech Academy gives you the secrets of 20+ years of experience how you can succeed as an Independent IT Field Tech.

Have questions about Field Nation or Field Nation alternatives or want me to cover something I missed in a video? Feel free to leave me comments and I’ll do my best to help! If you would like to learn more about how to find clients or about being an independent IT field technician, watch our other videos and visit our website for coaching services.

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Video Transcript:

Hello, this is Michael with

Field Tech Academy.

If you are an experienced cabling tech

and you’re wanting to get into I.T.


I wanted to go over the types of jobs

you might see with Field Nation alternative clients and on platforms like Field

Nation or WorkMarket or

CloudWork Pro.

In my previous two videos,

I covered the first two tiers

of skill sets

required to work in this industry.

That covered things l

ike computer hardware,

point of sale, de-installation

tickets, assistant and helper tickets.

And then the second tier was network


“rack and stack”,

“smart hands”, things like that.

the third skillset tier, in my opinion,

is low voltage cabling.

That’s going to require a little bit

more of a skill set and a lot more tools

than the first two

tiers that I talked about.

There is a constant flow of tickets


on these platforms and direct clients

for a lot of different types of cabling.

Now to me,

pulling a cable is pulling a cable.

If you know how to get a cable from point

A to point B,

that’s the biggest part of this skill set.

Having the tools to do that,

to be able to drill

through different types of material

and get through walls and do wall fishes

and be able to fish cables

through different kinds of ceilings,

from drop tile to hard ceilings

and different things like that.

So if you’re a new technician

trying to get into this industry,

bear in mind that this is going to take

the most amount of skill, in my opinion,

and the most amount of tools.

This is probably not

 something for an entry level guy.

But if you want to learn about it,

let’s talk about it.

The main category of tickets that I see

deal with low voltage cabling for phone,

and that can be old school phone and VoIP

 phones, networking, and audio video.

When you see tickets for anything

related to phone or telephony,

you want to figure out is it old school

phone, like POTS,

dial tone, or digital phone systems?

Or is it more modern

phones like voice over IP phones,

which are really just network

based phones?

So it’s just network cabling.

You want to make sure not picking up

a ticket for old school POTS line

and you have no clue how to deal with it.


is probably the simplest form of cabling.

You’ve got all the different CAT

terms of CAT, CAT, CAT,

whatever cat they have at the time

you’ve been watching this video.

When doing jobs for Field Nation alternative companies, you’ll have to understand how to terminate

to a patch panel, have to understand

how to do a wall fish, how to do a wall plate,

how to manage your cables, how to tone

and trace the cable,

how to troubleshoot cable.

You know,

that means having a punch down tool,

knowing how to do tone and trace, having

a tone and trace set. Having fish tape

so you can go through conduit. Understanding

what a circuit extension is.

And when it comes to audio video,

that is another skill set

that a lot of people may or may not have.

A lot of speakers are ran with daisy chain

and not direct home runs.

But there are some that are home runs.

When you’re putting speakers in,

a lot of times you’re going to have to cut

ceiling tiles to fit the mounting brackets

 for the speakers.

You’re going to have to understand

how Phoenix plugs work.

You’ll have to understand

how to install an amplifier,

and then you’re going to have to deal

with the voltages

and what tap

settings to set on the speakers.

So if you have not done

audio video, that’s probably a fourth

tier of difficulty.

And then there’s simpler sides

like plugging in media players,

which just plugs into a network cable

And then there’s conference

room equipment,

that includes installing the cameras

for conference calls

and the screens on the wall, maybe

even speakers in that conference room.

And then there’s even fiber running,

which is a whole other skill set.

That would require the tools

and the supplies to repair the fiber

and do all that.

And that’s pretty expensive.

So that’s really not something

 for an entry level person as well.

Cabling is a little more dirty

 and difficult job,

and usually it pays

a little bit better as well.

if you’re just getting started in this

industry and you’re curious what doing I.T.

contracting might look like. On my YouTube


I have a playlist that is called Service


Examples. Go into that and you can watch

some of the tickets that I’ve done.

You can get an idea of what it really

looks like to be on one of these jobs.

Hopefully this gives you some confidence

to get out there and start bidding on jobs

and taking them and get out there

making some money in this field.

If you got value today,

from what I shared, please smash

that like button

and subscribe to my YouTube channel

so that I can continue to grow

and provide material like this.

As always, let’s get you out in the field

 making money.

I’ll see you in the next video.

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