Independent Contracting is Under Attack. With California’s AB5 bill, and subsequent Proposition 22, new Department of Labor Rules, and the current “Pro Act” before Congress, Independent Contractors are being squeezed by state and federal governments.
How are techs on Field Nation in California affected by AB5? Field Nation has said that they require “high-volume” providers to prove they operate as a business.
Field Nation Views high-volume as technicians who have completed 50 work orders within California in the past 12 months. To read more specifics of what they say about Field Nation techs and AB5, see their FAQ here:
Here’s how to get validated as a business on Field Nation to meet California’s AB5 rules:
Mike Rowe’s opinion on the Pro Act:
California’s AB5 Bill:
ABC Test
Under the “ABC” Test, the default presumption is that a worker is an employee. The burden is on the employer to prove, with through documentation, that the individual satisfies all 3 criteria of the “ABC” test to be an independent contractor. The 3 criteria are:
The worker is free from the control and direction of the hiring entity in connection with the performance of the work, both under the contract for the performance of the work and in fact;
The worker performs work that is outside the usual course of the hiring entity’s business; and
The worker is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, or business of the same nature as that involved in the work performed.
California Proposition 22:
New Department of Labor Rule:
6 Metrics:
Opportunity for Profit or Loss Depending on Managerial Skill
Investments by the Worker and the Potential Employer
Degree of Permanence of the Work Relationship
Nature and Degree of Control
Extent to Which the Work Performed Is an Integral Part of the Potential Employer’s Business
Skill and Initiative
Further Reading:
Mercatus Center from George Mason University:
ADP Article on the New DOL Rule:
Understanding the Field Nation System:
Understanding the WorkMarket System:
Understanding the CloudWork Pro System:
I offer one-on-one coaching and have a downloadable skillset and equipment list on my website to help you maximize your Field Nation and Work Market profiles:
I have been in the freelance IT tech industry since 2000, on Field Nation since 2010, and on Work Market since 2011. Field Tech Academy gives you the secrets of 20+ years of experience how you can succeed as an Independent IT Field Tech.
Have questions about Field Nation or other platforms or want me to cover something I missed in a video? Feel free to leave me comments and I’ll do my best to help! If you would like to learn more about how to find clients or about being an independent IT field technician, watch our other videos and visit our website for coaching services.
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Video Transcript:
The independent
contracting industry is under attack.
I recently saw a video from Mike
Rowe of Dirty Jobs
where he talked about the Pro Act.
And that sent me down a rabbit hole.
I’m going to go over
what has led up to this,
what is happening now,
and how some of the leaders in my industry
are taking steps to try
to protect their independent contractors.
A new law in California and new rules
from the Department of Labor
are really going to make it more difficult
to be an independent contractor.
Let’s get into it.
My name is Michael Firey
and I run this YouTube channel, Field Tech
Academy, to try to help I.T. technicians
understand how to navigate the independent
contracting business in our industry.
But the changes here
apply to all industries.
I run a small computer
repair business as well as being
an independent contractor myself.
And I’ve done this since the year .
I’m concerned about how these changes
are going to affect my ability
to continue
to be an independent contractor.
Before I go any further,
let me just say this
video is for educational
and entertainment purposes.
I’m not an attorney
and I’m not an accountant.
So none of this should be construed
as advice.
So what’s brought us to this point?
California passed a law called AB.
And that went into effect
January st of .
The goal was to address California
employers when they hired individuals
and classified them as independent
contractors, supposedly incorrectly.
One of the changes that AB implemented
was to put in an ABC test
to determine whether a worker
was an independent contractor,
or whether they were actually an employee
and being misclassified.
Under this ABC test,
the default presumption
was that a worker was an employee.
It put the burden of proof on the employer
to force them to prove
that who they were
hiring was an independent contractor.
And so they had to meet all three
of these ABC test requirements.
The three requirements are…
Number Two
And Number Three
So what was the goal of AB?
The idea was to stop employer abuse of the
independent contractor classification.
AB turned some independent contractors
into employees.
It was thought that workers
were being taken advantage of
and were being classified
as independent contractors
when they should have been employees
and therefore entitled to minimum
wage, overtime pay,
expense reimbursements, health
insurance, rest breaks, and on and on.
It was supposed to create a level
playing field
between gig workers and regular employees.
What are some of the drawbacks of this?
From an employer standpoint,
having an employee
instead of an independent contractor
adds a lot of costs and more regulation.
Some companies may not be able to handle
those higher costs
and may have to raise prices
on the same products
or simply get rid of the independent
contractor and not replace them at all.
From a contractor perspective,
an independent contractor
may not want to be an employee.
It’s the whole point of being an independent
is you’re working for yourself.
You have freedom.
So what’s been the results so far?
According to the Mercatus Center at George
Mason University, selfemployment
decreased after AB
by . percent on average
for the affected occupations.
Overall employment,
which was supposed to go up, decreased
after AB by .% on average
for the affected industries.
AB didn’t really create the hoped
for transition to employment
and an increase in employment.
The thing that drives me nuts
is if this law was so great,
it should apply to all industries.
If employees are being abused
in one industry, then are
they not being abused in another industry?
And that’s not how government works.
When this law was passed,
they put in a slew of exemptions.
So who got exempted?
Let’s see.
It was physicians, dentists,
psychologists, veterinarians,
lawyers, architects, engineers,
accountants, securities brokers dealers,
investment advisers, real estate
licensees, private investigators,
certain marketing and human resource
professionals, and licensed
manicurists and barbers
who can meet certain conditions.
Basically, this whole list of people
aren’t being abused and this law doesn’t
need to apply to them.
However, gig drivers
like for Uber and Lyft and DoorDash
and the trucking industry,
and from what I’m reading,
even technology
independent contractors were not excluded.
So those industries have to follow
the rules while these other industries
Big money from companies like Uber
and Lyft came into California after that
to at least
try to get their gig drivers exempted.
And so they did Prop and it passed.
So the people of California passed it,
and then it got held up in court
and then it got upheld in court.
And it’s it’s a battle back and forth.
But effectively,
now that gig drivers are now covered
as independent contractors,
As of March th, ,
the Department of Labor
has now implemented a new rule
which changes the game for independent
contracting from a federal level.
And it’s probably been inspired
by California’s AB law.
The new Department of Labor law
is called “The Employee or Independent
Contractor Classification Under the Fair
Labor Standards Act”.
I will link to it in the description.
What irritates me about all
this is it’s not like it’s a law
that was passed by Congress.
This is just a government
department saying, You know what,
I think we should do this.
Were there a bunch of constituents
hitting up their members of Congress
saying, hey, there’s a lot of independent
contractor and employee abuse here.
This needs to be fixed.
No… it’s government.
And that’s probably
because they’re trying to gain control
and push more people into being employees
and not being selfemployed
and having more control over their lives.
The Department of Labor
rule has added a six pronged approach
towards interpreting whether or not
someone is an independent contractor.
So what are these six metrics
to be classified
properly as an independent contractor?
Number One
Number Two
Number Three
Number Four
Number Five
Number Six
All right, so what all those mean.
So factor one opportunity for profit
or loss, depending on managerial skill.
Can the worker determine
or meaningfully negotiate
the charge or the pay for the work
Can the worker accept or decline jobs
or choose the order
and or time
in which the jobs are performed?
Can the worker engage in marketing,
advertising, or other efforts
to expand their own business
or secure more work?
Can the worker make decisions to hire
others, purchase
materials, equipment, and or to rent space?
if you’re doing all of those things, it’s
pretty clear
that you’re an independent contractor.
Factor number two Investments
by the worker and the potential employer.
Now this to me is the cloudiest
one that even I had trouble understanding.
But I’m going to tell you what
I found on it.
Under this factor,
do the workers investments support
an independent business
and serve a business like function
such as increasing the workers ability
to perform different types
of or more work, reducing costs
or extending market reach?
And how do the workers investments
compare to the employer’s investment
in the overall business?
Factor number three The degree
of permanence of the work relationship.
You’ve got two ways to look at this.
If you’re trying to be
an independent contractor,
the work relationship needs to be
for a defined period of time.
It needs to be nonexclusive.
You can work for other people.
It needs to be project based or sporadic,
based on the worker
being in business for themselves
and marketing their services
or labor to multiple entities.
If the work was more indefinite
in duration,
it was continuous, or exclusive of work
for other companies, then
it’s more going to look like an employee
employer relationship.
They also point out
that seasonal or temporary work alone
does not necessarily favor classification
as an independent contractor.
So you could be seasonal,
and still be considered an employee.
Factor number four
is nature and degree of control.
Do you set your own schedule?
Does anyone specifically supervise
the performance of your work?
Does a company use technological means
to supervise the performance of your work?
And does a company reserve the right
to supervise or discipline you?
Does a company place demands
or restrictions on you that do not
allow you to work for others or work
when you choose?
Does the company control economic
aspects of the working relationship,
such as control over prices
or rates for services
and the marketing of those services
or products provided by the worker?
If the employer is doing some of
these things because of regulations,
then that won’t automatically mean
you’re an employee.
They may just have to be
following the law.
And then number five, the extent
to which the work performed
is an integral part
of the potential employers business.
This one I don’t like either,
because when does a company hire
somebody to do something that isn’t
integral and important to their business?
This factor considers
whether the work performed is an integral
part of the potential employers business.
This factor doesn’t depend on
whether any individual worker
in particular is an integral
part of the business, but rather
whether the function they perform
is an integral part of the business.
So it really isn’t based on the person,
it’s based on the need.
This factor weighs in favor of the worker
being classified as an employee
when the work they perform is
critical, necessary,
or central to the potential employer’s
principal business.
This factor weighs in favor of the worker
being an independent contractor
when the work they perform
isn’t critical, necessary,
or central to the potential employers
principal business. And finally, factor
number six is skill and initiative.
This one, again,
to me is a little muddled.
This factor considers
whether the worker uses
specialized skills to perform the work
and whether those skills contribute
to business like initiative.
This factor indicates employee status
when the worker does not use
specialized skills in performing the work
or where the worker is dependent
on training from the potential employer
to perform the work.
Where the worker brings specialized
skills to the work relationship.
Just that fact in itself is not indicative
of being independent contractor status
because both employees and independent
contractors may be skilled workers.
It’s the worker’s use of those specialized
skills in connection with business
like initiatives that indicates that
the worker is an independent contractor.
So they’re saying
you could have an employee
that has a very specialized skill set.
an independent contractor is going to have
a specialized set of skills
that they’re using in other places
in their business
and working for other people.
So it’s really about
whether they’re using those skills
to contribute to business
growth and business initiative.
So this is our new reality.
Like it or not,
this is what we’re going to have to deal with.
The main company
in my independent contracting industry
world is a company called Field Nation.
They’re a platform
that creates a marketplace for companies
to place tickets and for technicians
to bid on and accept those tickets.
Field Nation just operates as a middleman,
as a referee.
So Field Nation doesn’t
control the pay rates.
They don’t control who does the work.
That’s all the decision of the companies
that place the tickets and the technicians
that do the tickets.
Now, there are different types of clients
that I receive work
from. The platform style like Field Nation…
there’s other ones like WorkMarket,
CloudWork Pro. There
again, they’re just a marketplace.
Then there are a lot of other clients
that I deal
with where it’s a direct relationship
in regards to.
I work for the client.
Now the client has their own customer
and that’s who I’m servicing in the end.
But it’s a direct relationship
to where I always work
for the same company and they may send me
to different types of sites.
You know, one day it could be an Old Navy,
the next day it could be WalMart, etc..
So the question is,
are these new rules and new laws
going to affect my direct clients
or my platform clients?
One of the biggest platforms
is Field Nation.
And so they’re taking some steps to try
to protect their independent contractors.
And before I get into what
they’re trying to do to help,
If you’re getting value today
from what I’m sharing,
please smash that like button
and subscribe to my YouTube channel.
It helps me to grow and provide
content like this and check out my website
I offer one on one coaching for people
that are interested in becoming
independent contractors
in the IT industry.
Field Nation has listed some guidelines
to try to help their clients
to stay in compliance
with these new rules and laws.
Number one, don’t post assignments
that are hours a week with set hours.
That’s one of those six categories
we saw in the Department of Labor rules.
Don’t post long term assignments
that last consecutive weeks or months.
Don’t require providers
to work exclusively
with you
without the ability to do other work.
Don’t provide training on
how to do the job in its entirety.
And I think they’re using that
as the whole specialized skill thing,
because if you don’t have the specialized
skill to do the work,
then you may be classified as an employee.
And then number five don’t provide
all the tools and equipment necessary
to complete the job.
So if the buyers and the clients
on Field Nation use these five guidelines,
then they should be in compliance
to maintain technicians
as independent contractors.
What are some of the things that Field
Nation is doing to try to protect
their actual technicians
as independent contractors?
One of the things they’re suggesting
is to get set up
as a registered service company,
and that is a term that Field Nation has
where you can get set up,
you can have a company profile,
you can have sub technicians.
Field Nation encourages
you to use formally employed technicians.
In other words, you should be hiring
people that work for you as employees
and not hiring techs as independent
contractors to work for you,
who is an independent contractor.
They’re encouraging their technicians
to carry workers comp insurance.
They’re encouraging technicians to obtain
an employer identification number
from the IRS.
That, again, is another sign
that you are your own company.
And another way of trying to protect
yourself is to employ three
or more people.
The bottom line is educate yourself
on the AB law,
Prop ,
the new Department of Labor rules,
and look into the Pro
Act that’s sitting in front of Congress
right now.
Make sure you know what is coming.
What has happened.
Get in touch with your representatives
and find out where they stand on these
issues and let’s try to join together
as independent contractors
to protect our industry.
And as always, my goal is to help you
to get out in the field making money.
I’ll see you in the next video.
I like this website very much, Its a rattling nice spot to read and obtain information.