The most common question I hear people ask is, “Are there other companies like Field Nation or are there other sites like WorkMarket where I can get additional work?” Yes! but most techs won’t tell you about them because they don’t want you competing with them in the marketplace. I’m revealing the secrets!
This video is part three of an interview with Chelsey Mueller, the Technician Recruiting Manager for CloudWork Pro. CloudWork Pro is a platform/marketplace like Field Nation where clients and technicians can come together to perform IT Field Work. CloudWork Pro has some distinct differences we discuss in this interview.
In this video, Chelsey and I discuss CloudWork Pro’s tech protections, some aspects of being a client on their platform, tech companies that want to onboard several technicians, and the payment process.
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Chelsey Mueller
Tech Recruiting Manager
Your On-Demand Workforce™
Call/Text: (541) 241-6410
Address: 750 NW Charbonneau St. #201, Bend, OR 97703
I have worked with Field Nation alternative clients in the freelance IT tech industry since 2000, on Field Nation since 2010, and on Work Market since 2011. Field Tech Academy wants to give you the secrets of 20+ years of experience how you can succeed as an Independent IT Field Tech.
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Video Transcript:
Are you looking for alternatives
to Field Nation and WorkMarket?
This video is part
three of an interview I did with Chelsey
Mueller of CloudWork Pro.
about some of the concepts
of being a technician that also is a buyer
and how to set up that profile
and some of the basics of that.
I’m going to post the entire video
that’ll be in my CloudWork Pro playlist,
Let’s get into the interview.
The next thing I want to talk about,
Chelsey, is the technician company setup.
That’s something that,
that I think should be mentioned
about our technicians as well.
Sometimes we have a single technician
and sometimes we have
a team of technicians
that will come on to our platform.
And just because we have a team
of technicians, it doesn’t, you know,
if you have a company
that has 30 technicians,
not all of those tests
might be the right fit for our company.
So yeah, don’t be offended if we don’t
bring on all of the technicians
from your team,
because what we are really looking for
is that with any work order
that is assigned to that technician,
that they would be able to go out
and do a high quality job.
Our platform is not really designed for those
who are really green in the field.
This is designed
for more of the technicians
who are already at that expert level.
Obviously, as you mentioned,
not all of the technicians may be eligible
based on skillset and experience.
So you have a separate ratings
guide for the technician
as well as a rating system
for the company themselves,
Is that correct?
That’s correct.
Each of our technicians, you know, if
they go out there and they do a great job
they will be rated by the clients
and that’s per work order.
After every work order,
the client will provide a rating for
how great of a job that technician did.
And so obviously one bad tech
is not going to ruin the relationship
with CloudWork Pro? You’re going to work
with the technician company and allow them
to make amends
and obviously maybe suspend that tech,
but not actually penalize
the entire company for that?
That’s right.
Our support team is happy to reach out
and try to find a resolution
between technicians and clients.
So they both are happy.
I think that’s important.
A lot of technicians live in fear
of being suspended from a platform
and not being able to make their case
and actually try to clear things up.
And, you know, a lot of these guys
make a living off of these platforms.
And so to have one just shut down on them
without any kind of recourse
or discussion,
it makes them nervous,
obviously they need
to take care of their clients
and you expect professional technicians,
but there’s always going to be
I think it’ll be important for technicians
to know how you guys would
support the technician on that situation
and give them a chance. Sure thing.
That’s a that’s a really great question.
The key here is that we have humans
all around us, right?
The clients are humans,
the technicians are humans,
and our team are humans as well.
So we try to prevent as many of these
issues from happening in the first place.
So that’s why our system will guide
the clients on creating their work order.
That’s why our system will guide
the technicians for, you know, applying for that job
and making sure that they understand
what is expected of them.
That’s why the pay is very clear.
That’s why, you know,
the payment terms are very clear even
before that technician goes to site.
They can use the instant message feature.
They can also use the contact box.
So they should be able to clear
any of these issues before
they start to become a major problem.
If the technician is not able
to get a hold of the client
or there happens to be an issue right then,
I encourage our technicians
to reach out to our support team
as early as possible.
And the same thing for our clients
if they are having an issue
with a technician,
they should reach out to our support team
so that we can get this remedied
right away.
Then after the work order
has been submitted, again
there’s points of contact
throughout the entire process.
So we should have an idea
if something is coming up
before it becomes a real problem.
If, in the event that it does
become a real problem, again
our support team is here to help
to mediate that. Our clients are able
to give a ratiing at the end of
when they close out that work order.
If that technician went out there
and just was above and beyond,
they just did a really great job,
they can favorite that technician.
So the client knows that next time
that they have a work order in that area,
that technician
will be at the top of their list.
But also if they just want to pull up
a list of their favorite technicians
and maybe offer
for them to travel to a different location
just because that tech did a great job,
that’s an option as well.
I like the idea and I have a lot of buyers
that will come directly to me
on the other platforms because they know
the work that I’m going to deliver.
And so I think that’s nice for techs
to know
that that relationship can be built
on the CloudWork Pro profile as well.
We encourage the technicians
if they have really great clients
and they want to bring them over
to CloudWork Pro, we’re happy to accommodate
Our sales team is fantastic at helping
clients to set up their profiles
and get things up and running.
I’m sure you are.
If you happen to be a technician
who also wants to run your work orders
through our platform, that’s a question
that I’ve gotten many times.
You can be a technician and a client.
So you would just have a separate log ins.
So again,
you would go into the sign in, sign up,
and then you would click on the client
Okay, so you got separate
profile log ins based on
whether you’re a client or a technician.
And that makes sense because,
I mean, the fields and the forms
that you’re gonna need to fill out
and and the way you’re going to track
it is going to be different.
So that that makes sense
one thing that I wanted to share,
Michael, is that we have different roles
for the technicians on our platform.
So we have an account owner, so that’s the
first person who needs to sign up.
That’s the person who’s going to have
like the W9 information,
the insurance information for the company,
also the banking information.
So that’s your account
owner. They will be able to manage themselves
as well as their team.
And then after they have been approved,
they’ll be able to invite
additional technicians.
Now the additional invited
technicians can be a dispatcher.
That would be
someone who’s not going to sites
but they would be able to find work
that’s available on the platform.
They can assign those work orders and
they can also manage those work orders.
Then we have our unrestricted technician.
That would be a technician
who will be going to site,
but they will also be able
to see what is available on the platform.
They can see pay,
they can see rates, they can negotiate,
they can assign the work orders
to themselves or other team members.
And then we have restricted technicians.
So a restricted technician
will just receive the work order
that has been assigned to them.
So they will not see how much their work
order pays.
They will not see any room for negotiation
on a date or pay or anything like that.
They just see, Hey, on Thursday
at 8 a.m.,
you’re going to this location
and here’s what you’re going to be doing.
So we do have those different profiles,
and that’s assigned by the account owner.
And I will interview
or our recruiting team will interview
each of the technicians.
So if an account owner invites
a restricted technician,
then I’m just going to talk to them
about what they will see
when you receive your work order…
Here’s what you’re going to be doing.
I’m not I’m not going to talk
to a restricted technician about,
you know, setting up banking information
or negotiating anything with the client.
There are a couple of things
that I wanted to…
To just go over again,
and that is the kinds of techs
that we are looking for
because our CEO, Mike Mudd,
said, I want people to make sure
I want to make sure people know
that we do not accept work orders
that are less than $50.
So the expectation here, again, is that
we have to professionals on both sides,
and that’s we have high expectations
from our clients as well. So
I like that.
And I think a lot of techs will like that
approach too, because, you know,
it’s hard to make a living at $25 an hour.
As a lot of even Field Nation
tickets are routed out at.
Another thing that I see
a lot of technicians complain about on,
you know, Reddit threads
and other places… is pay issues,
and some buyers choosing
not to pay tickets.
Now, obviously,
if the tech has not done a good job,
then I would understand that
being the case.
But I’ve also had situations
where on WorkMarket, especially because
there is no security on WorkMarket,
I’ve had buyers just simply not pay me.
They didn’t have a reason
other than it was probably financial
and they were just a flighty company
and they disappeared.
So my question for you is with Cloud Pro, a great Field Nation alternative,
does your platform pre-fund the tickets
and do you protect the technicians
against having nonpayment for no reason?
Yeah, absolutely.
I that’s I’m
very sorry that things like that
have happened to you on other platforms.
That’s that’s a reason why a technician
should come to CloudWork Pro.
And that is because, you know,
you’re going to get paid for the work
that you have done.
Our clients are true professionals,
just as all of
the techs are true professionals.
And so the expectation is
that the clients are going to pay
and we’re going to make sure
that that does happen.
Now if there’s a reason that the client
is not closing out that work order,
we’re going to have a conversation
with the client as to what’s going on?
Like we did this thing not happen?
And then we’re going to go back
to the technician and we’ll find a…
we’ll find a remedy for that situation.
But if a if a technician
is going to be doing the work,
that they should be getting that pay.
So we will certainly work
with our technicians, but they…
the clients are not going to get away
with doing things like that
because that’s unprofessional.
So the expectation: true professionals
on both sides of the fence.
Love to hear that. Love to hear that.
And I think a lot of techs will appreciate
that as well.
I think most technicians
are small time guys.
you know, missing out on a small amount of
money is a big deal to a small time guy.
So on the pay side,
what pay methods do you guys offer
and what are the timeframes
and is it automated?
Do I have to go in and select
something to have the money transferred?
Kind of talk to me about the pay process.
Great question.
So when our account owners
profile is approved,
then they will be set up to see everything
that’s available
on our platform once they have completed
their first work order.
Our standard payout is 14 days.
Now, if there’s anything different
from that, it’s going to be noted
within that work order,
so you’ll know about that upfront.
So assuming that this is a standard work
order, standard pay out is 14 days.
14 days
after that work order has been completed
and signed off by the client,
then the the first time the account owner
is going to receive two emails
from our partner platform, Hyperwallet.
So within Hyperwallet that will receive
those two emails, one says
you have funds available and the other
says that you need to set up your account.
So with Hyperwallet
you’ll set up your account and
you can choose if you’re going to be paid
through Venmo, PayPal, ACH,
or a check. And then the system
will default to that every time.
You can always change it.
You’ll just want to make that change
before submitting your
your next work for approval.
It’s going to continue to
go through that payment platform
and you’ll continue
to receive that money the same way
until you decide to change it.
And do you guys offer any kind of
fee based faster payment method?
Currently, we do have a fast pay option,
and that’s we just pass along
whatever Hyperwallet charges.
I think it’s like 3.5 percent,
but not certain on that part.
But just pass along
whatever fee comes from Hyperwallet
for this fast pay
and that pay comes to you within one week.
Great to know.
Well, Chelsey, I want to thank you
for coming on the Field Tech Academy
YouTube channel
and speaking with us today.
I think this will help
a lot of technicians
to understand your platform better.
And I hope it helps bring you new
technicians and maybe even new clients.
I’m always happy to see somebody
competing in this marketplace.
I think the idea of your quality
control is amazing
and I really wish you the best.
Thank you so much for having me.
I’m very happy to be here
and if technicians have any questions,
if clients have any questions,
they’re welcome to reach out.
Again, our support information
is on our website, and then I really hope
to see all of those qualified
technicians up on our platform soon.
I will also include
all the information from Chelsey
in the description of this video.
You you can link directly to it.
I think that it’s really great
that you are out there teaching…
teaching people
about how to, how to use their skills
because like they are legitimately
great professionals out there and we need…
we need them to be using their skills.
Get out there and do that for companies,
Exactly! You know, go out there
and just do do a really great job.
Have that high level of customer service,
a high skill set.
Good on you for for showing other people
how to do that.
Well, thank you.
I hope you enjoyed
learning about CloudWork Pro today.
if you got value from what I’ve shared,
please smash that like button.
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So you’re informed about all my videos,
about all platforms,
and little tips and tricks on
how to make money as a freelance IT tech with Field Nation alternative companies.
As always, let’s get you out in the field
making money!
I’ll see you in the next video.